To Nanjing I came by train in ca. 3h (from Shanghai) and payed only about 7€ for the ticket.
Kuno picked me up and with some luck we found a hotel room 20,90€/night.
I spent 3 days in this modern and ancient city.
We visited the 1st Yangtse Riverbridge in Nanjing, which also was many years worlds longest bridge (Kuno said its about 9km long) - Changjiangjiao(Jangtsebridge).
The day before I climbed onto the purple Mountain(not so high), where also is the Dr. Sun-Yatsens Mausoleum.
Later I visited the Martyrs Museum and some other places.
Oh, and I fell in love, that I have to share with others :-(
the chinese food ...
... and met a lot of kind and interesting people.
The following pictures will tell you more...
This is the Nanjing Museum
Kuno said, that Nanjing has probably Chinas biggest sweetwater harbour.
Filipinas, uma nova aventura: Parte 2
vor 9 Jahren
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