Samstag, 30. August 2008

The highway from Nanjing to Wuhan

I went by bus, because there were no train tickets left. It was planned to have an 8h way but it came different. Half an hour after we started the bus driver told us to take the baggage out of the "baggage room" and put it somewhere into the bus (on our seats). He said that because some people came and put many many goods into this "baggage room" which we transported to wuhan. It must been something inofficial...

The Bus drivers are really crazy in China. The craziest thing was on the highway, when the bus in front of us just drove onto the oncoming traffic highway. In germany we call this ghost-drivers ^^. Well, he did that at a road construction place and was therefore able to pass all other cars that couldnt move. The oncoming traffic just tooted... like all the other cars that had to wait at this road construction place.

But at least I could see the City Hefei and a very nice highway rest place.

a new city is being born...

Because of that we arrived in Wuhan 2 hours later and lost another hour when the good been unloaded... after some time (it was 11PM) I just left the bus and took a taxi to meet Fibi (Jiang Fan who is Lulus Cousin).

Freitag, 29. August 2008

Nanjing (Jiangsu)

To Nanjing I came by train in ca. 3h (from Shanghai) and payed only about 7€ for the ticket.

Kuno picked me up and with some luck we found a hotel room 20,90€/night.

I spent 3 days in this modern and ancient city.

We visited the 1st Yangtse Riverbridge in Nanjing, which also was many years worlds longest bridge (Kuno said its about 9km long) - Changjiangjiao(Jangtsebridge).

The day before I climbed onto the purple Mountain(not so high), where also is the Dr. Sun-Yatsens Mausoleum.
Later I visited the Martyrs Museum and some other places.
Oh, and I fell in love, that I have to share with others :-(
the chinese food ...

... and met a lot of kind and interesting people.

The following pictures will tell you more...

This is the Nanjing Museum

Kuno said, that Nanjing has probably Chinas biggest sweetwater harbour.

Dienstag, 26. August 2008


22.08.08 Time to go!

It was interesting at the Frankfurt airport, when a small chinese woman spitted very loudly into a bin and all people looked at her... very funny.
And I thought, oh my god, what am I doing? I really want to be in China for a whole year?

Fortunately I was just positive surprised in Shanghai. Nobody is spitting here. It's just like in europe.

In Shanghai I arrived at Pudong(river Pu divides Shanghai in a western and an eastern part, this is the east part) Airport and went by bus to the Jin'An Temple, where I met Zhang Mu. A very nice girl, who showed me a cheap hotel and the following 2 days we made a Shanghai tour together.

Next day friends joined...

and more skyscrapers...

This is Puxi (western part of Shanghai)

last meal in Shanghai...