Freitag, 29. August 2008

Nanjing (Jiangsu)

To Nanjing I came by train in ca. 3h (from Shanghai) and payed only about 7€ for the ticket.

Kuno picked me up and with some luck we found a hotel room 20,90€/night.

I spent 3 days in this modern and ancient city.

We visited the 1st Yangtse Riverbridge in Nanjing, which also was many years worlds longest bridge (Kuno said its about 9km long) - Changjiangjiao(Jangtsebridge).

The day before I climbed onto the purple Mountain(not so high), where also is the Dr. Sun-Yatsens Mausoleum.
Later I visited the Martyrs Museum and some other places.
Oh, and I fell in love, that I have to share with others :-(
the chinese food ...

... and met a lot of kind and interesting people.

The following pictures will tell you more...

This is the Nanjing Museum

Kuno said, that Nanjing has probably Chinas biggest sweetwater harbour.

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